Have a discount code from the DNA Today podcast? Use for Educational Videos and receive $15 towards live coaching services!
Unstructured time with a counselor
Coaching and encouragement from a counselor. Bring your questions!
Service Description
The genetic counselor will come to this video appointment ready to answer your questions...maybe you are concerned about something you heard in a video? Perhaps you've brainstormed ideas for your Statement but need encouragement as to which direction to go. Are you wanting someone to weigh pros and cons of being a genetic counseling with you? Maybe you just need some cheerleading. This time is yours, so come prepared with questions!
Cancellation Policy
To cancel or reschedule a paid service, please contact support@gcprepllc.com AT LEAST 24 hours prior to the start of your appointment time. Out of respect for our counselors' time, appointments that are cancelled or rescheduled within 24 hours will not be refunded as we compensate these professionals for setting aside time for students.